

09. June 2017

Kalender:  RSS

Time Place Name
09.06.2017 Tartu, Estonia ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES: Training "Soil science and silviculture"
09.06.2017 Tallinn, Estonia ESTONIAN MINISTRY OF RURAL AFFAIRS: 11th Meeting of monitoring committee of Estonian Rural Developmen Plan 2014-2020
09.06.2017 KODUKANT LÄÄNEMAA: LEADER meede II projektide tutvustamine
08.06.2017–09.06.2017 Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES: Long term programme of joint actions - training cource
06.06.2017–10.06.2017 Germany ESTONIAN LAG VIRU CO-OPERATION COUNCIL: Study tour to Germany
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