
Grupp:     Aasta/kuu:

Time Place Name
29.05.2024–30.05.2024 Belgium, Brussels Green Week 2024: Towards a water resilient Europe
28.05.2024 Jäneda MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: LEADER info day 2024/2
23.05.2024 Online METK: Webinar about Environmentally friendly management supoort
23.05.2024 Jüri county, Türi, Estonia ESTONIAN RURAL NETWORK: Thematic day and sharing on Community gardens
22.05.2024 Brussels EC: Policy Lab "Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens"
21.05.2024 Harju county HEAK: Citizen days in Harju county
21.05.2024 Järva county TALULIIT ja MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: Maal elamise päeva korraldamise koosloome seminar 1/2024
17.05.2024–18.05.2024 Tartu TARTU [eel]ARVAMUSFESTIVAL
17.05.2024 Saare county MAITSETE AASTA: Saaremaa, Muhu ja Ruhnu maitsete aasta avaüritus
15.05.2024 Brussels, Belgium EU CAP NETWORK: Steering Groups' - 2nd Meeting
15.05.2024 Tallinn EESTI TOIDUAINETÖÖSTUSE LIIT: Koolitus "Kuidas jõuda läbimurdeliste ideedeni?"
14.05.2024 Online ETAG and REM: Information day of Horizon Europe circular economy partnership "Circular Bio-based Europe" (CBE JU)
14.05.2024 Harju county HEAK: Citizen days in Harju county
14.05.2024 Online Projekt ORIGINN: Vebinar "Rohemajanduse parimad praktikad Euroopas"
11.05.2024 Onion road, Estonia SIBULATEE: Fish cafeterias' day 2024
08.05.2024 Tartu, Estonia ANU AIT OÜ: Conference "Science innovation - team game on different levels"
08.05.2024 Tallinn, Estonia EESTI RAHVAÜLIKOOLIDE LIIT: Seminar about finding the balance between relative importance of community and public services
08.05.2024 Harju county, Estonia ESTONIAN RURAL NETWORK: Waste- and circular economy related tour in Harjumaa
07.05.2024 Tallinn, Estonia and online INTERREG: Policy Learning Platform information event in Estonia
07.05.2024 Pärnumaa, Estonia ESTONIAN RURAL NETWORK: Agricultural waste and circular economy related seminar and tour in Pärnumaa
06.05.2024–08.05.2024 Estoril, Portugal EU CAP Network conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’
06.05.2024 ZOOM link: Koosoleku ID: 936 5343 6306 Ligipääsukood: 2024Leader MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: LEADER info day 2024/1
04.05.2024 Estonia REM: Open days of Estonian fishing harbours
04.05.2024 Harju county HEAK: Citizen days in Harju county
03.05.2024 Saku, Harju county EMIS, NOORTALUNIKUD ja MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: Eesti maaelu tuleviku foorum Euroopa Parlamendi kandidaatidega
01.05.2024 Estonia Opening of the season of Estonian Wine Route
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