Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Establishing recreation places near public lakes in Paistu municipality
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: natural environment
Keywords: tourism, environment, recreation places
Start year: 2009
Local action group: LAG Mulgimaa Development
Name of the beneficiary: Paistu Municipality
Backround of the project: The need arose from the need of local people to create a recreational area near public Lake Holstre where is initial and environmentally friendly infrastructure. Secondary the need arose from the need of county's Sport- and Recreational Centre because the existence of lake is important for its guests and children camps. The third reason was the interest of kindergarten/school - the opportunity to have outdoor classes. Addition values - public money is allocated to use on the shore of public lake, target groups and interest groups are wider (not only local community).
Objectives of the project: To teach people to CARE because there are new opportunities to act environmentally friendly.
Main activities: - The lake-shore of Holstre lake was cleaned; the toilet, recycle bins, fire-place, shelter, informing signs, parking lot, driveway and secure bridge were established;
- Existing recreation place got a community swing in Loodi Natural Park
Output and results indicators: The project increased the attractiveness of the area, it is proved by the number of tourists in summer 2011 which was rapidly growing. New operating opportunities arose from the setting of the village swing for the existing recreational area, project created added value.
Experiences/lessons learned: The project was a next step that people would learn to care for their surrounding and thereby for themselves.

In a nutshell - Small little thing, but gives joy for many!
Small things can grow into bigger ones and nowadays small things actually are big in rural areas because they are made with heart.
Additional information about the project: Nominee in category of best environmental project in contest "Notice Leader". Article "A Little Great Thing" in booklet "Notice Leader 2011" -
Contact person : Ene Saar
County: Viljandi county
Project inserted into database: 2011-08-22

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