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  Estonian National CAP Network
Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples
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Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples


Project title: Developing the marketing strategy of label "Liivimaa Lihaveis"
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: joint activity/ cooperation
Keywords: bovine breeding, joint activity, marketing
Start year: 2011
Local action group: LAG Võrumaa Partnership Assembly
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Liivimaa Lihaveis
Homepage: http://liivimaalihaveis.ee
Backround of the project: "Liivimaa Lihaveis" is a traditional producer group which connects meat bovine breeders mainly from South- and Middle Estonia, but juridically NGO can't be producer group.

There are 11 members in the co-operative - all together 4000 animals and 10 000 ha land (as if spring 2012).

The sale price of NGO Liivimaa Lihaveis allows to cover the costs of stock-up raw-material and factor costs of raw material, but there is less money for marketing. Marketing is important for increasing the sell and to reach to the point within 6-7 years till it is possible to realize all animals of members under one local label.

A decision was made in the beginning of 2012 that the label will stay as an exclusive label which means that the products can't be found on big supermarkets'.
Objectives of the project: The aim of the projects is to finance the marketing activities of the label in 2012 and some in 2013.

The aim in 2012 was to concentrate on teaching how to cook bovine meat and to value the label and local raw material, and to present local food heritage at the same time.

It is important to guide consumers to prefer the products of local agricultural producer, to witness the food supply chain and to be convinced that such marketing and producing way is safe and healthy.
Main activities: "Liivimaa Lihaveis" purchases the bovines from producers, takes them to slaughter house, cuts them and sells them to Ltd Nordic Beef, whose task is to market the meat through HORECA and in retail sail.
Output and results indicators: The activities that are already carried out, have made consumers to notice the label and thus the total sale numbers have increased.
Experiences/lessons learned: They realized that carrying out marketing activities through media channels, including interactive sites like Toidutare and Facebook, must be a constant activity. Media publication and other aforementioned activities have raised the interest of NGO's members (animal breeders) to continue the supply of animals, despite the momentary market conditions whereas NGO Liivimaa Lihaveis can't pay higher prices for living bovines in the market.
Contact person : Katrin Noorkõiv
County: Võru county
Project inserted into database: 2012-12-04

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  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at) metk.agri.ee