Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Kiigemäe Public Recreation Area near Paunküla Catchment
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: natural environment
Start year: 2009
Local action group: LAG Järva Development Partners
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Austvegr Association
Sum of support: 2 336 EUR
Backround of the project: Improving one part of west-north of Paunküla Catchment in Kiruvere village to a public Recreation Area - named Kiigemäe Recreation Area. Near this there have been organized Kiruvere ancient camps for many years. This recreation ground would also play the role of "gates" to annual international ancient camp.
Objectives of the project: To improve environmentally valuable recreation area, to have a specific place where people could make fire, instead of making it in wild nature. In this recreation area people can make fire safely and to have picnics, to see-saw and to enjoy the beautiful view to islands situated on Paunküla catchment.
Main activities: Under this project was made one draft-project, built two fire- and picnic places, a swing, two chairs with a view to lake, reinforced hillsides and created a recreation area. Buying symbolics. Setting up an exhibition "Prosta Priroda" - wooden frames in nature.
Additional information about the project: Väljavõte projekti kohta Leader suveseminari bukletist -
Contact person : Katti Muru
County: Harju county
Project inserted into database: 2010-06-15

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