

May 2016

Kalender:  RSS

Time Place Name
27.05.2016–29.05.2016 Visby, Gotland, Sweden EUROPEAN NETWORK: Swedish Rural Parliament
26.05.2016 Hotel Metropole in Brussels, Belgium ENRD CP seminar “Forging the Links - Connecting RDP Support to the Food & Drink Supply Chain”
26.05.2016–27.05.2016 Skopje, Macedonia ELARD: President Kristiina Tammets' meetings in Skopje
17.05.2016 Belgium EUROPEAN NETWORK: 3rd Meeting of the Thematic Group on Promoting the Transition to the Green Economy
12.05.2016 Harju County Estonian NRN and East-Harju Partnership - STUDY TOUR to LAG Region
11.05.2016 Ministry of Rural Affairs, Lai 41, Tallinn ESTONIAN MINISTRY OF RURAL AFFAIRS and ESTONIAN NRN: 4th lecture “Rural Development in a Global Countryside"
11.05.2016–12.05.2016 Netherland ENRD: 5th NRN Meeting of the 2014-2020 programming period
03.05.2016 Maamajanduse Infokeskus, Jäneda MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: Innovatsiooniklastri ümarlaud (1/2016)
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