Poola Leader konverents

Leader konverents Poolas 12. - 13. oktoober

To: Andrzej Halasiewicz, Polish National Leader+ Network Unit

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Consortium, running the Polish National Leader+ Network Unit, and consisting of four organisations: the Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA), the Polish Rural Forum (FAOW), the National Council of Agricultural Chambers and the Agricultural Advisory Centre, I would like to invite you to take part in the International LEADER+ Conference on Leader - achievements and challenges, to be held on 12-13 October 2007, in Przemysl, Poland.

The Conference will focus on the exchange of experience between the Local Action Groups (LAGs) from Poland and their counterpart organizations from other European countries.

The Polish LAGs will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the Rural Development Programmes of the selected EU Member States and with the implementation plans of National Rural Networks in some countries. In addition to this, the conference will be a good occasion for establishing contacts with similar organizations from the EU candidate countries and from Ukraine.

During workshops, planned for the second day of the conference, the LAGs will have a chance to explore the following issues: methods of enlarging the number of local partners involved, maintaining operational transparency of the organization, social exclusion prevention in rural areas and rules of undertaking the cooperation projects.

The Conference will take place in the Gromada Hotel, in Przemysl. We expect about 200 participants, including:  160 - 180 representatives of Polish LAGs and of the Marshall Offices (regional self-government units) as well as about 50 foreign visitors, including representatives of National Leader Network Units, Local Action Groups and other rural organizations from the EU member states, EU candidate countries and Ukraine.

As the number of available places is limited, we would appreciate participation only two representatives of each Member State, one from NNU and one from LAG. Please, register on-line, at www.leaderplus.org.pl/konferencja/en/rejestrac.....
until September 10, 2007. The possibility of additional visitors participation will be known after the registration completion.

You are cordially invited to attend our Conference in Przemysl, October 12-13, 2007.

Best regards,

Andrzej Halasiewicz

NNU Poland