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Euroopa Komisjon: Innovatsioonikoostöö ELis

Toimumisaeg: 03.06.2021

Toimumiskoht: Teams

Sihtgrupp: EK poolt kutsutud isikud

Veebiseminar eesmärgiga anda suuniseid tulevaste ÜPP võrgustike (maaeluvõrgustike) innovatsioonivaldkonnale, et toetada põllumajanduse ja maapiirkondade ajakohastamise uut valdkondadevahelist innovatsioonile suunatud eesmärki. Arendusi tuleb teha kooskõlas kavandatava ÜPP strateegiliste kavade määruse artikli 102 nõuetega ning vajadusega tugevdada sidemeid raamprogrammi "Horisont Euroopa" ja muude riiklike vahendite raames toimuva teaduspoliitikaga.

Veebiseminari eesmärgid on:

  1. suurendada teadlikkust ja arendada ühist arusaamist riiklike ÜPP võrgustike (ja eelkõige nende innovatsioonivaldkonna) otsustavast rollist ÜPP uue valdkonnaülese eesmärgi - põllumajanduse ja maapiirkondade ajakohastamine teadmiste ja innovatsiooni edendamise, jagamise ja kasutuselevõtu kaudu - saavutamisel, ning
  2. aidata suurendada riiklike ÜPP võrgustike ja nende innovatsioonivaldkonna suutlikkust täita seda olulist rolli, esitades asjakohaseid kogemusi ja hõlbustades igakülgset teabevahetust / arutelu (vastastikune õppimine) nende peamiste osalejate vahel, kes on seotud ÜPP võrgustikega igas liikmesriigis.

Et tagada piisav mitmekesisus ja tõhustada tõhusat teadmiste vahetamist veebiseminaride ajal, on liikmesriigid jagatud kolme suuremasse rühma: 1) Põhja-Euroopa, 2) Kesk-Euroopa ja Atlandi ookean ning 3) Lõuna-Euroopa.
Põhja-Euroopa klastrile pühendatud veebiseminar toimub 3. juunil 2021.



THE NEW CAP and its cross-cutting objective on knowledge, innovation and digitalisation  

CONTEXT: Under the new CAP post 2020, knowledge exchange, innovation and digitalisation will play a key role in helping farmers and rural communities meet challenges and opportunities on economic, environmental and social issues. To this effect, Member States will be obliged to support more performing Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in their future CAP Strategic Plans (CSP). The AKIS Strategic Approach they will conceive should ensure better, more regular, coordinated and effective knowledge flows between AKIS actors (farmers/foresters, advisors, researchers, (farmer) organisations, cooperatives, NGOs, networks, retailers, media, services, etc.). This will be instrumental to respond to the specific knowledge needs of farmers and to foster innovative solutions. The main AKIS instruments to foster innovation on the ground are:

  1. The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI), and in particular its Operational Group (OG) innovative projects and the EIP’s other networking activities related to farming and rural areas. They are directly supporting the achievement of all nine CAP objectives following the interactive innovation model1. Around the (farmer) partners in the OG, a circle of up to 100 farmers are co-learning and co-developing peer-to-peer through participating in the project’s activities. Some Member States even started using OGs as a test bed for preparing agri-environmental measures with great success.
  2. The integration of all impartial advisors within the AKIS will help to ensure that advisors are sharing all up-to-date practical knowledge and innovation and improve their competences on environmental issues2. Thanks to this new approach and new types of training within the AKIS, the inclusion of the trusted advisors with effective impact on farmers’ environmental behaviour can become a reality.
  3. The works of the innovation strand of the CAP Networks, as further detailed below, including inter alia creating and strengthening linkages between Horizon Europe and EIP OG projects at national level.


EU and National Rural Networks (NRNs) accompanied the implementation of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) in all Member States since the programming period 2007-2013. After over 10 years of experience, networking is now well established and has clearly demonstrated its added value in rural development policy. That is why it will also play an important role in the future and will bring together an even larger number of CAP stakeholders.

Building block at EU level, as per the Commission proposal on the CAP Strategic Plans Regulation (Art 113), the “EU CAP Network”, covering both Pillar I and Pillar II, will replace the current two EU Rural Networks (ENRD and EIP-AGRI). The same applies to the NRNs that will be replaced by the national CAP networks. The current NRNs will continue their work in supporting MSs and stakeholders in the interim until the new EU CAP Network and new national CAP networks can be launched.

The shift from current NRNs to future CAP networks is an evolution, not a revolution. The change in the name (from "rural" to "CAP") is an indication that the success of NRNs has led to extend the added-value of networking to the whole policy as encompassed within the future CAP Strategic Plans. The current rural building blocks, including LEADER and the EIP, will continue to be key pillars of the enlarged CAP networks.


There is continuity and even enlargement of scope between the current EIP network and the EIP/innovation component of the future CAP network. The innovation strand will be one of the distinct entities operating under the common roof of the CAP network. Its role will be key in delivering on next CAP cross-cutting objective of fostering knowledge and innovation and in linking the CAP with EU research and innovation policy. This cross-cutting objective now supports all nine Specific CAP Objectives, which is broader than the scope of the EIP as set up in 2012.

This new CAP cross-cutting objective calls for intensified knowledge exchange and co-creation of innovation, improved and broader advice, on-farm demonstration and other peer to peer learning events, and bridging the gap between research, innovation and practice both in agriculture and wider rural areas. AKIS encompasses the many fields that are interrelated with farming and rural areas, such as environment, climate, biodiversity, water, landscape, consumers and citizens, food and non-food systems including processing and distribution chains, etc. The CAP networks are key instruments in this regard both at the national and EU levels, and specific activities will need to be designed to deliver on these objectives.

Fostering innovation and facilitating the networking of EIP Operational Groups are specific objectives/tasks of CAP networks mentioned in Art. 113. In line with these objectives and the AKIS strategic approach in the CAP plan as referred to above, MS may use the lessons learnt from the work of the current NRNs and should develop a stronger “innovation strand” of their CAP network.

MS should describe in their Plan (pt 4.5 of the draft CSP template) how they intend to structure and organise the innovation strand of the national CAP network and with which activities they will encourage knowledge flows between AKIS actors in their daily operations.

There are several points that MS should take into account when developing their CAP plan in relation with CAP networking:

  • How will the CAP network work closer together with advisors and researchers in the framework of the AKIS (Art. 102 (a)(ii))?
  • Which concrete agreements between Ministries of Agriculture, Research, Education, Innovation, Environment etc. have been prepared to put this into action along the coming 7 years?
  • Which specific networking structures/tools/activities are foreseen for innovation/AKIS support?
  • Is there a dedicated support unit dealing with innovation, and keeping an overview of all OG innovative projects in the Member State? (e.g. with OG databases)
  • Will the network’s governance structure be organised in a way that innovation/knowledge exchange activities will be part of the network annual work plans, as foreseen in the AKIS Strategic Approach?
  • How will (public and private) advisors be involved in networking activities, considering that they are not usual actors of current NRN activities?
  • Is the network promoting or even interconnecting innovation support services?
  • Will peer-to-peer learning for advisors and farmers be organized?
  • Will support for cooperation between existing OGs become one of the main activities of the CAP network’s innovation strand? (think about cross-border OGs in regionalised Member States as well as beyond the borders)
  • How will the network support unit (NSU) make sure that the outcomes of research and innovation projects under Horizon 2020/Europe are disseminated through the network’s tools (translation and filtering, website, publications, events...)?
  • How will key research actors such as Horizon Europe National Contact Points and connection units within research bodies and universities be networked with farmers, advisors and other OG partners? How will they all be connected to the innovation support services?
  • Will the activities also actively promote OG participation and inclusion in Horizon Europe projects, in particular in all Multi-Actor projects, Thematic networks or Advisory networks? (please be aware that for researchers it is not obvious to find farmers, advisors and other OG participants with whom they could collaborate in a Multi-Actor project, so extra brokering and networking efforts are essential)
  • Will transnational cooperation between OGs be included in the network’s activities. Are there sufficient resources (budget, multilingual staff, sufficient knowledge and overview on the MSs’ OG projects and themes...) to cover this?
  • Is the contribution to the EU CAP network included in the planned innovation and knowledge exchange activities and covered by an appropriate budget?
  • How will the NSU ensure availability of appropriate project datasystems – an essential part for NSU support to support a good AKIS - based on the OG’s information (laid down in the common EIP format) that will be interconnected in a single EU-level knowledge reservoir?


Viimati muudetud: 25.05.2021

  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at)