

28. October 2021

Kalender:  RSS

Time Place Name
28.10.2021 JĂ€neda, LÀÀne-Viru county, Estonia TALULIIT and MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: Agro-tourism seminar 2021
28.10.2021 Online MAAÜLILIKOOL: Cooperation conference 2021 "The role of cooperatives in ensuring sustainability"
28.10.2021 MĂ€o, Paide vald, JĂ€rvamaa Projekti SustainIT avakohtumine MĂ€os
25.10.2021–29.10.2021 Online EUROPEAN COMMISSION: The EU Sustainable Energy Week "Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System"
01.10.2021–31.10.2021 Estonia MTÜ LÀÀne-Harju Koostöökogu, MTÜ Nelja Valla Kogu ja MTÜ Kodukant LÀÀnemaa: Porikuu Festival
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