Database of LAGs

Country: Estonia
Name of the LAG: LAG Pärnu Bay Partnership
Official name: MTÜ Pärnu Lahe Partnerluskogu
Municipalities of Action Area: Häädemeeste, Tahkuranna, Audru, Tõstamaa, Varbla, Koonga, Sauga, Lavassaare, Saarde and Kihnu municipalities
Web address:
Address: Lihula road 10, Audru, 88301 Pärnumaa Estonia
Phone: +372 509 2261
Fax: +372 433 1053
Email: mercedes[at]
Chairman of the board: Rein Talisoo
Manager: Mercedes Merimaa
Number of municipalities: 10
Name of Programme: Estonian Rural Development Plan 2007-2013

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