Study Tour Rapla-Järva

Field trip to Rapla and Järva Counties: agenda 




Date of nomination: (04) 2013-05-08
Nomination country: Estonia
Title: CULTrips. Creating a new concept for socio-cultural village trips in Europe
Nominees: Finalist
Category: Tourism
Countries: Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Italy, Estonia
Leading partner: Luxembourg - LAG Redange-Wiltz
Photos link:
Summary: The project of interpersonal exchange through cultural trips in Europe is based on a new concept of socio-cultural exchange and tourism in rural areas.
CULTrips activity is based on local level action for developing socio-cultural tourism. Local actors will explore their own communities, present interesting elements of their communities and its activities and receive guests from partner regions.
During the project the new concept of socio-cultural tourism was developed, country programs for intra-european cultural trips were elaborated and evaluated by experts of pilot-trips , manual for socio-cultural travelling was developed. European database with recommendations for socio-cultural tourism will be completed.

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