

Contact: René Kusier, National Network Unit
Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs
Gammel Mønt 4 1117 Copenhagen K Denmark
+454 171 7842

Nordisk-baltisk priskonkurrence for internationale samarbejdsprojekter

Hvis din aktionsgruppe har deltaget i et internationalt samarbejdsprojekt, er det nu muligt at indstille projektet til en stort anlagt nordisk-baltisk pris.

Formålet med prisen er bl.a. at skabe synlighed omkring de gode transnationale projekter, som har bidraget til den lokale udvikling i de nordisk-baltiske lande.

Det er muligt at indstille projekter indenfor følgende kategorier:

Der er deadline for indsendelse af ansøgninger 17. maj. Selve prisoverrækkelsen finder sted i Tallinn den 26. september.

Kriterier for udvælgelse, indstillingsskema, kontaktoplysninger med meget mere kan findes på denne hjemmeside:

Netværkscenteret er naturligvis også behjælpelig med yderligere information.

Netværks INFO / April 2013

Date of nomination: (24) 2014-05-17
Nomination country: Estonia
Title: Loving Local values
Nominees: Finalist
Category: Local Area Development
Countries: Estonia, Finland
Leading partner: Estonia - LAG Arenduskoda
Photos link:
Summary: The project like its name „Loving local values“ focused on valuing local products and food in the district of Development Centre (LAG Arenduskoda) and Kymenlaakso county in Finland, where it involved the municipalities - Kouvola, Hamina, Kotka, Miehikkälä, Pyhtöö, Lovisa, Virolahti and Iti.
Related to the goals and activities the focus of the project was to enhance cooperation between people who are active in the field of local food, rural tourism and handicraft to help them design their products and services, add extra value and arrange better marketing. The main focus was on food products!
We have mapped the food producers in both regions (in Estonia and Finland), started common discussions between them and planned follow-up projects.
The other important focus of the project was rising awareness about local and healthy food. Local food consuming is directly connected with the awareness of consumers. Through the open food days in regions everybody could participate for example in food cooking contests an also in the topic-related seminars.

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Viimati muudetud: 05.04.2013