Study Tour Rapla-Järva

Field trip to Rapla and Järva Counties: agenda 




Date of nomination: (29) 2013-05-17
Nomination country: Finland
Title: Ecomuseum - from memories to future
Nominees: Finalist
Category: Culture
Countries: Italy, Finland
Leading partner: Italy - LAG Piceno
Photos link:
Summary: In the Ecomuseum–project the most important thoughts are communality and future based on traditions by involving youngsters and elderly people in village development. Despite its name, ecomuseum is not an ecological museum, neither any other ordinary museum. The term refers to objects that bring out history, traditions and everyday life of ordinary people. The communality has been implemented based on things (places, stories or objects) which are important in life of people living in the villages. This kind of approach would raise the self-esteem of the area and will be formed an operational model for using between villages and cooperating partners. In the future the “ecomuseum-thinking” will be utilized in product developing in the field of tourism, in other businesses and in adult education.

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