Study Tour Rapla-Järva

Field trip to Rapla and Järva Counties: agenda 




Date of nomination: (42) 2013-05-17
Nomination country: Finland
Title: Woven Together
Nominees: Participant
Category: Culture
Countries: Finland, Austria
Leading partner: Finland
Photos link:
Summary: Art Association ITU and artists group Schaufenster Freistadt had workshops, cultural tours and exhibitions both in Finland and Austria 2011. The cooperation has been planned to continue.
In addition Finnish artist group visited Latvia. The attractions were Open-Air Art Museum at Pedvale and museums, exhibitions and ateliers both in Talsi and Riga. During the visit four textile artisans got invitation to have exhibition in Riga and artist group from Talsi and Pedvele will visit Finland summer 2013 to plan future cooperation.

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