Study Tour Rapla-Järva

Field trip to Rapla and Järva Counties: agenda 




Date of nomination: (44) 2013-05-20
Nomination country: Finland
Title: Bees and Biodiversity – Together to stop pollinating insects decline and protect biodiversity
Nominees: Finalist
Category: Local Recourses and Environment
Countries: France, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, Finland, United Kingdom - Wales, Denmark
Leading partner: France - LAG Pays Voironnais
Photos link:
Summary: Seven LEADER partner areas working on local projects with three main goals: land management (all types of land use so that measures take into account pollinating insects, biodiversity and environment-friendly farming), beekeeping activity and economy (increasing the volumes of beekeeping, enhancing product marketing, development of networks, financial support), and information and education (inform and raise awareness amongst all publics in order to influence practices in agriculture, public spaces maintenance by local authorities and private people’s gardens.)

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