Study Tour Hiiumaa

Study tour to Island Hiiumaa agenda 

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Date of nomination: (47) 2013-05-20
Nomination country: Finland
Title: International Theme Routes
Nominees: Participant
Category: Tourism
Countries: Finland, Estonia
Leading partner: Finland
Photos link:
Summary: International Theme Routes is an international development project between Finland, Norway and Estonia. The project is managed by The Northernmost Lapland Leader Lag (Pohjoisimman Lapin Leader ry). The objective on the project is to develop nature-, culture- and history-based tourism in the participating regions. The project aims at to enhance and improve international cooperation especially in the area of Teno River between Finland and Norway, both with the entrepreneurs and the other actors in tourism. The aim on the cooperation with Estonia is to exchange experiences and good practices in the development of tourism as a business as well as to increase participator´s knowhow on the international operations. International Theme Routes -project follows the principles of sustainable tourism.

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