Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: FENIX - Transnational Leader
MEASURE: Leader rahvusvahel. projekt
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: youth
Keywords: transnational cooperation
Start year: 2010
Local action group: LAG Jõgevamaa Cooperation Chamber
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Jõgevamaa Cooperation Chamber
Sum of support: 30 000 EUR
Backround of the project: Project cooperation partners are: NGO Jõgevamaa Cooperation Chamber from Estonia, two LAGs from Finland, 4H organisation from Finland and one LAG from Sweden.
Objectives of the project: The general objective of the project is to develop activity of the youth in the countryside. The young people are often very interested in international cooperation with the same aged persons from other countries, but they don´t have a lot of experience or possibilities to take part into international actions aimed at youth.
Main activities: One of the main targets is that young people could better get familiar with their own village and learn what the local village community and local municipality provide to youngsters. After this the youngsters from participating areas will compare their village and its activities to villages in other participating areas.

The youth groups will...
–Create presentations, joint web-pages, Facebook-groups in the internet
–Make short films of their own area and their activities
–Participate in planning the contents of the three transnational events
–Take part in the transnational events
–Produce part of the program in the events
–Have more friends and...
–Have fun with other youth !!
Output and results indicators: In this project the participating Leader groups and Kemin Seudun 4H-yhdistys ry will also offer youth a chance to get acquainted with Leader action and international cooperation in Leader project.
Contact person : Kaire Sardis
County: Jõgeva county
Project inserted into database: 2011-09-07

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