Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Organising the paragliding day
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: village development
Keywords: tourism, public awareness, diversity, sport
Start year: 2010
Local action group: LAG Partnership of North- East Coast
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Jõhvi Tiibvarjuklubi
Sum of support: 6 675 EUR
Backround of the project: Project leader wanted to invite all Estonian paragliders to his home-place to organise a nice paragliding day, which would assure flying-joy to paragliders and also an enjoyable show for local people. Within Jõhvi Paragliding day came about Estonian Open Paramotor Championships (para-motor is a paraglide, that has a motor).
Objectives of the project: The aim of this project is to make people aqcuintant with paragliding-sport, to make it more popular and to raise people's awareness about paragliding. Further aim is to make the local people's life more interesting and to attract more tourists with an event, which could grow into a traditional event in future.
Main activities: Preparing and organising Jõhvi Paragliding Day 0n July 10, 2010, including a web-page for the event, posters in area and advertisement in local radio and in regional publications.
Output and results indicators: The result of this project was carrying out a paragliding day. Awareness-raising about paragliding sport among local people. 12 pilots participated at competition and 15 pilots went paragliding outer competition.
Experiences/lessons learned: This was the first project for this NGO, which they applied support and the project leader Aare Rebban encourages all the people who have great ideas to implement them through Leader programme. The motto of this project could be "To fly with Leader"
Additional information about the project: An extract from Leader Summer Seminar print about the project, July 2010 -
Contact person : Aare Rebban
County: Ida-Viru county
Project inserted into database: 2010-09-22

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