Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Põlva county's Green House
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: natural environment
Start year: 2010
Local action group: LAG Põlva County Partnership Board
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Rosma Education Association
Sum of support: 24 952 EUR
Backround of the project: The Estonian first sustainable lifestyle and natural studying centre, also known as Põlva Green House, will be situated near Põlva in Rosma. It provides a compact spectrum of environmentally sustainable activities for its own villagers, for Põlva county Partnership Board region people, for neighbourhood and tourists.

The keyword of establishing Põlva Green House is ecological innovation: modern economical ecological house is made of materials of small basic energy content to achieve low ecological footprint on building and on further using the house.
Objectives of the project: To establish Põlva Green House that will carry on the county's assets, energetically sustainable eco-house.
Main activities: To engineer Põlva Green House.
Additional information about the project: An extract from Leader Summer Seminar print about the porject, July 2010 -

Article in web-environment, 18.02.2010 -
County: Põlva county
Project inserted into database: 2010-09-23

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