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01.07.2011 ELARD: [Fwd: ELARD on European Commission's Budget Proposal]

6. juuli 2011. a


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Subject: ELARD on European Commission's Budget Proposal
From: "ELARD" <elard@elard.eu>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 15:01:07 +0200
To: <4947hansson@telia.com>, <a.schober@aer.eu>, <alexandre.martin@apca.chambagri.fr>, <allan.buckwell@cla.org.uk>, <andre.loos@ma.etat.lu>, <angelika.poth-moegele@ccre-cemr.org>, <BE@regionsjaelland.dk>, <breda.kovacic@gov.si>, <budil@landforstbetriebe.at>, <c.jochum@netzwerk-land.at>, <c.zaccarini@ismea.it>, <claudiu.coada@madr.ro>, <cornelia.mihai@madr.ro>, <c-tremouille-cr-limousin@wanadoo.fr>, <DBayraktarska@mzh.government.bg>, <donald.aquilina@gov.mt>, <eadcyprus@gmail.com>, <ecoresga@marm.es>, <edgars.linde@llkc.lv>, <els.soenen@lv.vlaanderen.be>, <francis.morin01@agriculture.gouv.fr>, <francoise.bonert@ma.etat.lu>, <g.blasi@politicheagricole.gov.it>, <gerard.peltre@wanadoo.fr>, <gerhard.thissen@bmelv.bund.de>, <gondova@arvi.sk>, <goran.soster@guest.arnes.si>, <goran.soster@guest.arnes.si>, <gunilla.gustafsson@rural.ministry.se>, <Hans-Olof.Stalgren@hushallningssallskapet.se>, <ignaz.knoebl@lebensministerium.at>, <ingrid.kocianova@land.gov.sk>, <jan.swoboda@ble.de>, <jepe@ferv.dk>, <john.allsopp@defra.gsi.gov.uk>, <john.f.galea@gov.mt>, <JurgitaL@zum.lt>, <Karina.Afremovica@zm.gov.lv>, <kissagnes@vkszi.hu>, <kk@maainfo.ee>, <lorraine.bertrand@diact.gouv.fr>, <luzcorreia@gpp.pt>, <m.dejong@etcnl.nl>, <makrandreou@mnec.gr>, <maria.gustafsson@sjv.se>, <marko.gorban@agri.ee>, <markus.stadler@lebensministerium.at>, <matej.stepec@gov.si>, <mccorreia@dgadr.pt>, <mharami@mou.gr>, <mikula@vkszi.hu>, <Monika.Krol@minrol.gov.pl>, <Nele.Vanslembrouck@lv.vlaanderen.be>, <p.rouhier@ceja.eu>, <paivi.kujala@maaseutu.fi>, <patras@ruralthessaly.gr>, <pavlina.dryeova@mze.CZ>, <pavlina.folprechtova@mze.cz>, <Pawel.Pacek@minrol.gov.pl>, <peter.toth2@vm.gov.hu>, <petri.rinne@joutsentenreitti.fi>, <pkeating@tippinst.ie>, <plopeziz@marm.es>, <president@euromontana.org>, <presidenza@alpainfo.it>, <rebecca.chapman@agriculture.gov.ie>, <rebecca.frost@ruralcommunities.gov.uk>, <reginav@zum.lt>, <theodor.buehner@bmelv.bund.de>, <thomas.bertilsson@lrf.se>, <thomas.bertilsson@lrf.se>, <TPPetrova@mzh.government.bg>, <Trees.Robijns@birdlife.org>, <virva.terho@mmm.fi>, <w.schoustra@minlnv.nl>, <ymavrommatis@da.moa.gov.cy>, <zuzana.schottertova@land.gov.sk>
CC: <petri.rinne@elard.eu>

The European Commission has published its Budget Proposal for the 2014-20 period. The European LEADER Association for Rural Development (ELARD) is deeply concerned about the diminishing funds for rural development (89.9 billion proposed against 96.0 billion that has been on use during 2007-13). This proposal has been made despite the fact that the whole of CAP spending should remain on the same level and is severely conflicting with the overall idea of modernizing the distribution of the CAP funding.


The OECD along with numerous Member States have been criticizing the European Commission for its unwillingness to let go off the outdated "old rural policy paradigm". This paradigm looks at the countryside solely through the lens of agriculture, even though the latter’s role in the economy has been steadily decreasing. ELARD acknowledges that agriculture still remains one of the cornerstones of rural economy and recognize its importance in maintaining the production throughout the European Union; however we believe that at the same time we must work towards diversifying the rural economy and equally supporting other industries which can often be more important for the local economy and job creation than agriculture. This is what the OECD defines as "the new rural policy paradigm".


The richest farmers with the best soils and the strongest lobby organisations benefit the most financially from the CAP - this is in strong conflict with anybody's sense of justice and unavoidably erodes the citizens' trust in the EU institutions. Instead of maintaining the old and biased CAP, ELARD strongly suggest that the modernization of the distribution of funding can be also put into practice by increasing the resources of bottom-up rural development through the LEADER methodology. In the diminishing rural development budget the share of LEADER must be minimum 10 per cent if the CAP modernizing objective is to be respected. This has three strong reasons:


1. LEADER corresponds very well to the overall CAP reform objective to make the CAP target audience wider than what it has been until now. All rural businesses as well as the communities are equally represented in the LEADER target group.


2. LEADER implements what the OECD defines as the new rural policy paradigm (less agriculture-centered rural development, which is also in line with the WTO pressure on free trade).


3. During its 20 years history LEADER has shown its efficiency as a grassroots development methodology adaptable to highly varied conditions of the EU-27 (proved by the evaluation reports and the OECD rural policy reviews for example). LEADER is able to renew structures and introduce innovation - this is what we also need in terms of the Europe2020 strategy (and for competitive agriculture, see attached how LEADER has been supporting primary production in Finland, for example).



The ELARD Council


Petri Rinne

ELARD President




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