

AgriLink E-workshop on ‘Learning from experience to design public policies that support the contribution of farm advice to sustainable development’.

Time: 01.07.2020

Place: webinar

The final webinar will be held on Wednesday, 1 July from 13:30 – 15:30 Central European Time.

The link for the webinar is: All are welcome!

There are numerous issues that have arisen in the E-workshop. Some that we aim to address in the final webinar are:

  1. What are the options for controlling the certification / accreditation of advisers?
  2. How to guarantee that the great diversity of existing advisers can effectively update their knowledge and competences?
  3. What is the best way to communicate with relevant stakeholders and actors about the transition from FAS to the deeper integration of advisers into the post-2020 AKIS?
  4. How can we avoid leaving the “hard-to-reach” farmers behind?


Viimati muudetud: 28.06.2020

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