
Kolmas SCAR AKIS kohtumine innovatsioonisüsteemidest

Toimumisaeg: 24.09.2020–25.09.2020

Toimumiskoht: veebis

Sihtgrupp: Kohtumisel osalemine kutsetega

SCARi SWG AKIS5 kolmas kohtumine toimub veebi vahendusel.  Keskendutakse sotsiaalsele innovatsioonile ja nõustamisteenustele

SCAR-AKIS on Euroopa Komisjoni juhitava põllumajandusteaduse alalise komitee (SCAR - Standing Committee on Agricultural Research) töörühm teadmiste ja innovatsiooni süsteemidest (AKIS Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System).  Töörühma ülesanne on aidata liikmesriike nende oma AKISe rakendamise või planeerimise korraldusel. 

Väljakutsed: Sotsiaalne innovatsioon hõlmab lahendusi väljakutsetele, mis on seotud asukoha, põlvkondade vahetuse, staatuse, koostöövalmiduse, halva infrastruktuuri ja maapiirkondade teenuste või oskuste puudumisega uute võimaluste leidmiseks. Võimalikeks töövahenditeks on näiteks arukate külade arendamine, hoolduspõllundus,  lühikesed tarneahelad, agroturism jne. Sotsiaalne innovatsioon on LEADERi, EIP-AGRI ja arukate külade algatuste innovatsiooni oluline aspekt ning samuti oluline teema Horisont Euroopa projektide (nt  SIMRA ja NEWBIE) jätkamiseks. Väljakutsed hõlmavad sotsiaalset ettevõtlust ja uute ärimudelite väljatöötamist, tarbijapõhist innovatsiooni ja linna-maapiirkonna teemasid.

Seminari oodatav tulemus sotsiaalse innovatsiooni osas:

The SCAR SWG AKIS meeting in Budapest will be the third meeting of the 5th mandate endorsed by the SCAR plenary in December 2018. It is specific role is to start to discuss the following topics defined in the 5th mandate:

1) Social inclusiveness and social innovation in AKIS 
One of the aims of SCAR AKIS group is to help member states with the planning and implementation process of their AKIS related activities. 
We would like to explore the following AKIS related social innovation areas: ageing farmers and generational renewal; social situation of farm employees; rural communities’ opinion and acceptance of farmers and farming; differences in size and education level of farms and farmers; social inclusion of marginalized groups through farming.

2) Advisory services within AKIS.     Another topic of the 5th mandate relates to AKIS policies. Here we will discuss on the basis of 2 projects working on the analysis of past and the modernization of advisory approaches under the CAP post 2020.


September 24th (Thursday)

09.15 – 09.40    Presentation of the meeting objectives & Tour de Table

09.40 – 11.00    Information on EIP and AKIS + Q&A – Inge Van Oost, DG AGRI, European Commission

11.00 – 11.30    An overview of the social cooperative in Hungary – Katalin Rácz – NARIC-AKI (tbc) + Q&A

11.30 – 12.30    Lunch break

12.30 – 15.00    Presentations of the results of projects related to social innovation+ Q&A.

How to make social innovation work in rural areas (policy recommendations)?

·       SIMRA project presentation - David Miller, James Hutton institute 

·       Irish Rural Development Measure on collaborative farming and generational renewal - Edel Carty

·       NEWBIE – New entrant Thematic Network - Andries Visser/Tessa Avermaete 

·       BOND – H2020 project on collective action and networking of individuals, groups and entities of farmers and land managers, focusing on countries with lower organisation levels  - Ágnes Major, Kislépték Egyesület

·       Study on the Future of Agriculture linked to Safety and Health - Alun Jones, IAMZ-CIHEAM 

·       LIAISON European Rural Innovation Contest (EURIC) concerning multi-actor innovation in agriculture and forestry – Andrew Fieldsend, NAIK-AKI 

15.30 – 16.00    What is social inclusiveness in relation to AKIS and how can social innovation be supported under the CAP (possible measures + Q/A) – Orsolya Frizon Somogyi, DG AGRI, EU Commission

16.00 – 18.00    Discussion on MS experience and understanding of social innovation:

·       What are MSs' needs and which measures (funded by EU, national, regional or other, or non-funded) are being taken or planned?

·       Which further steps for the SWG AKIS work on this subject?


September 25th (Friday)

8.30 – 09.00      Registration and Welcome Coffee (posters on Hungarian projects are presented in the room)

09.00 – 11.30    Projects on modern and interactive advisory services post 2020

·       I2Connect project presentation - Fuelling the potential of advisors for innovation - APCA, France

·       AGRILINK project results - Pierre Labarthe, INRA France - Q & A and discussion on governance of advisory services

12.30 – 14:00    What are MSs' needs and which measures for advisory services (funded by EU, national, regional or other, or non-funded) are being taken or planned?

                            CAP Plan Strategies of MS with regard to advisory services post 2020 – round table

14.00 – 14.30    Summary and discussion of the meeting + Q&A – Pascal Bergeret and Inge Van Oost

14.30 – 14.45    AOB and end of the meeting Anikó Juhász

Eestist kohtumisel osalevad: Helena Pärenson Maaeluministeeriumist ja Hanna Tamsalu Põllumujandusuuringute Keskusest.

Viimati muudetud: 25.09.2020

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