
NRN ESTONIA: "Strength in numbers - network to innovate" post event feedback meeting

Time: 27.08.2021

Place: Zoom

Sihtgrupp: National Rural Networks and administrative managers

Registreerunute nimekiri


On 27 of August 2021, Estonian Rural Network have scheduled a online meeting which main aim is to gather feedback after event "Strength in numbers - network to innovate" and to discuss Next Steps in terms of the following possible events.

We´d like to steer our round table discussion to three following questions:

  1. Did the workshop meet your expectations? Did you learn more about networking or innovation projects?
  2. In what ways could we have improved this workshop? Do you have suggestions for future?
  3. What would be the further steps regarding that kind of events?

The meeting starts at 10'o clock in the morning (CET) and scheduled for 1,5 hours. The working language of the meeting is English and we will meet in Zoom.

Information about the meeting: Rural Network Department of the Agricultural Research Center - Konstantin Mihhejev


  The feedback meeting is supported by the Estonian rural development plan 2014-2020 technical assistance to national rural network. The meeting is free of charge for registered participants.

Viimati muudetud: 26.07.2021

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