

Time: 16.02.2022–18.02.2022

Place: online

Sihtgrupp: SCAR SWG AKIS members

This SCAR SWG AKIS online meeting will be the 10th meeting of the 5th mandate endorsed by the SCAR plenary in December 2018. 

This meeting’s specific role will be to discuss the following topics defined in the 5th mandate:  

  1. 1.       AKIS policies at national and EU level feeding further EIP synergies

    2.       Achieving greater Impact of the Multi-Actor Approach (MAA) implementation in EU AKISs

    3.       Digitalisation


    This meeting will develop in particular the following topics:

      AKIS strategies and integration of innovation support policies

    -          New developments and brainstorming on more AKIS related topics for Horizon Europe (gaps)

    -          Introduction of the major AKIS-related HE projects ModernAKIS, ATTRACTISS and FarmBook for the next 7 years

    -          First impressions on the MS’ CAP AKIS plans

      Strengthening the multi-actor approach, linking between national and EU-AKIS through thematic networks based on Operational Groups and through EU advisory networks

    -          Introduction of a new annual type of EU thematic networks based on EIP Operational Groups and presentation of OPer8 and CLIMED-FRUIT

    -          EU Advisory networks to share and speed up innovation across the EU –  Introduction of  a new annual type of HE projects and presentation of EU4Advice and COREnet

      EU and National Knowledge Reservoirs for practice, their content and interoperability


     Following topics will also be addressed:

      Introduction of the Technical Support Team (TST), helping our work in the future.

      Discussion of the proposed structure of the 5th mandate final report and a discussion on how members of the group can contribute

      Discussion about the topic and the location/hosting of our next (11th) meeting on the 6th and 7th of April.




Viimati muudetud: 13.02.2022

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