ENG Maainfo Calendar
Estonian National CAP Network
EST   Maainfo   ENG




07. October 2019

Kalender:  RSS


Time Place Name
07.10.2019 Maamehe Golfi farm, Tiri village, Võru county, Estonia ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES: Information day "Owner of the cooperative is the member of cooperative"
07.10.2019–10.10.2019 Soome HIIDLASTE KOOSTĂ–Ă–KOGU: OFF GRID projekti koosolek
07.10.2019–13.10.2019 Estonia COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CENTRES: 14. Enterpreneursip week 2019
07.10.2019–10.10.2019 Brussels, Belgium EUROPEAN COMMISSION: 17. European Week of Regions and Cities
07.10.2019–13.10.2019 Jõgevamaa JĂ•GEVAMAA KOOSTĂ–Ă–KODA: Jõgevamaa katab laua
Kokku leiti 5 kirjet

  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at) metk.agri.ee