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Leader in Estonia


May 2008

LEADER type measure in Estonia

The Estonian National Development Plan for the implementation of the EU structural funds (Single Programming Document) for 2004-2006 includes a measure for “Local Initiative based Development Projects – LEADER”. The LEADER type measure provides two options for Estonia:

  • Option 1: Acquisition of skills;
  • Option 2: Adoption of integrated territorial rural development strategies.

Legal act constituting conditions for LEADER type measure was signed by the Minister of Agriculture in June 2006. The Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) opened call for tender during August-September in 2006. Selection process was completed in December 2006.

21 LAGs are supported under option “Acquisition of skills”. 3 LAGs are supported under option “Adoption of integrated territorial rural development strategies” and they started to implement strategies. In Estonia is now 24 LAGs.

Earlier experience for LEADER

In framework of The Baltic Rural Partnerships Program for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (BRPP), there were established three partnerships in South-Eastern Estonia counties – Põlva, Valga and Võru during 2000-2003. The Partnerships were functioning on the same principles as Local Action Groups. As a result there were many very successful projects and activities which were brought into life, and most importantly, the concept of ‘cooperation’, involving all the relevant sectors for local development was born.

In 2004-2005 the main stress was on the training and information campaigns designed to spread the philosophy and principles of Leader. The Ministry of Agriculture organised some seminars and ministry officials attended info-days and meetings with the municipalities and people living in the countryside.

The Estonian Village Movement KODUKANT is an association of nongovernmental organisations, which unites volunteers and community-based organizations interested in the development of rural life in Estonia. Kodukant is one of the strongest social partners for the Ministry of Agriculture. In cooperation with the Ministry, Kodukant organised 10 special seminars around different parts of the country in 2004

In Estonia also conducted a survey in 2006 „Development of local initiative – Leader-type measure” and according to that 75,6% of non-profit associations, 77,5% of local governments, 62,7% of entrepreneurs and 51,7% of inhabitants are willing to participate in the implementation of regional strategy. Awareness of Leader is rather high – 59,3% of non-profit associations and 56,4% of the representatives of local governments are aware of Leader.

Estonian National Rural Network Unit

The Leader Infopoint operated in Tartu from August 2005 to May 2007, It was opened as a result of an open call for tenders, and which was awarded to the Institute of Rural Development and NGO Partnership Institute.

In May 2007 a new structure for information and coordination in Estonia started activity - National Rural Network Unit at Rural Economy Research Centre in Jäneda.

The aim of new structure will be organise meetings and trainings, networking, create website and infobase of experts and to spread information to support rural development activities. The Network Unit provides information about the Leader principles, organising trainings, seminars, and consultancy. One task will be also to be responsible for national and cross-border networking.

Website – – provides contacts and information about Estonian LAGs, events, seminars, reflections from media, etc. In near future the website will be available also in English.

Leader in 2007-2013

Implementation of the measure through the first Leader projects over the current programming period will create experience and capacity that would provide the required support for the implementation of LEADER programme during the next programming period (2007-2013).

Leader+ period will end on 30.06.2008 – this is the deadline for LAG’s to complete strategies and to take the last receipts to Payment Agency (ARIB).

For period 2007-2013 Estonia planned for LEADER-axes 10% of Estonian RDP budget.

Open calls for new period LAG’s planned for 2008 summer, if necessary also 2009.

For 2010 Estonia planning to cover full rural area with LAGs.

Actors for support LEADER activities

National Rural Network Unit

Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602 Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia

Fax +372 3849701

Krista Kõiv, e-mail: kk[at]

Phone: +372 511 2562

Ave Bremse, e-mail: ave[at]

Phone: +372 5156412

Ministry of Agriculture

Contact: Vivia Aunapuu

39/41 Lai St, 15056 Tallinn, ESTONIA

Tel: +6256294

e-mail: vivia.aunapuu[at]

The Estonian Village Movement KODUKANT

Contact: Kadri Pau

Väike-Ameerika 19-205, 10129 Tallinn, ESTONIA

Tel: +372 6466636

e-mail: kodukant[at]

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Leader logo pysti 1

  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at)